A weekly (or so) comic mingling on/off track news, pop culture, and the occasional theological reference.
heddle at gmail dot com

Mini bio: Husband, father, Christian, scientist, professor, NASCAR fan, trying to imagine who I will root for if Harvick ever retires (before I "retire"!)

October 17, 2006



Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how hard I laughed at this comic. I was there on Saturday night, and it was utterly pathetic (yet simultaneously hilarious) what happened with the trucks still being on the racetrack.

The leaf! I'm still wheezing with laughter at this strip. Genius!

David said...

*whew* -- I was a little worried that the leaf would be interpreted as flattened fauna aka roadkill.

Thanks Rusty!

DaleJarrett4Ever said...

You do a great job at these comics. Keep up the fantastic work. They sure do make me laugh.